Friday, October 24, 2008

Since I had been writing (or trying to anyway) about IQ tests all morning, I finally gave in and took a 20-minute test online. The last IQ test I took was many many years ago, when I was, I think, in 5th grade. I don't remember exactly but my score then was upwards 120, just enough to assure my parents that I at least had some potential and they could expect me to do well in school.

(I did, initially as I graduated Valedictorian in grade school.)

With my test score in grade school, I think my parents conditioned me to think that I am intelligent, or, at the very least, more intelligent than others. I had to do well in school, how could I not with a score like that? I put myself under a lot of pressure back in grade school (in high school I more or less had fun), I did turn out okay and thankfully was able to get my degree from a very reputable university under financial scholarship.

Fast forward to today. There are several reasons why I decided to take the test. I wanted to know if, after many years of not being in school, my brain finally decided to stop working. I wanted to see if I will find the test difficult.

I know, I know. IQ test scores hardly matter anymore these days but still, I wanted to know.

After 20 minutes of taking the test, I found out that, hey, my IQ is 135.

Not bad, since I know I got several questions wrong. (Where the heck is Volga anyway?)

So, the grey matter I have between my ears are apparently still working. And that's it. Back to work.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Once again. life has gotten in the way of blogging. Heh. And I find myself squeezing time in between articles and teaching a Korean to speak English to blog. My page looks lonely.

A lot has happened in the interval between my last post and now, the biggest and most important of which is me giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, Leala. Shall post photos and story soon.

I have spent four weeks on paid leave (thanks to a wonderful boss) and enjoyed spending time with the newest member of our family as well as my 2-year old dynamo, Jaden.

But now I am back at work and things are pretty hectic. In an attempt to earn as much as I can, even my weekends are booked for work leaving little time to rest or enjoy leisurely jaunts to the mall with Jaden (though I have much to thank for the extra monies, don't get me wrong). So blogging is very low on the priority list right now but I will, as soon as I can, get updated.

If only I had as much leisure time as the Bronte sisters to wax poetic on the rivers and valleys and pastures or what-have-you...(wink, wink, Nao hehe).